Saturday, April 03, 2010

There are two things I use on a daily basis (ok I lie and use many more, but these are some of them)

Working in a lab wearing latex gloves for most of the day does havoc on your hands. I'm not allergic to latex but I find they really dry my hands. This partly may be because I was my hands each time I take them off so causing my hands to dry up even more. In the lab we have a massive tub of E45 which we all use, but it isn't enough for me and my fussy hands.

The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector:

I'm on my second large tube of this. It's so creamy and absorbs pretty quickly. I use a lashing of this before bed and wake up with my hands feeling so soft.

Another go to product I have it Lemony Flutter cuticle butter from Lush.

I mainly use it for my cuticles, but its great for anywhere where you get really dry skin. I misplaced mine for a week and my cuticles hated me for it, although after using it twice upon finding it my cuticles were back to normal.

Both these products are really thick, rich creams, and as a result last for ages. I'm still on my first tub of Lemony Flutter and it took me about 7 months to get through thr large (100ml) tube of Body Shop Hand Protector, so the fact it costs £10 doesn't make it seem to sound as denting to the purse strings as it seems, to me anyway!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

And so, it has begun! New blog, new postings!

So a little about me and why I made this blog:

  • To share things I discover and would like to share to all!
  • Rant and/or ramble about what's going on with me/in the world.
  • To keep track of my newly found activity of going to the gym and to keep track that I'm getting my moneys worth!
 Besides that, I'm a girl, work in a lab, like having a good time and living in Manchester. 

Til next time.....